*WHAT IS "THE PATAKIS"?The Patakis was a pitched Hey, Arnold! spin-off series starring a highschool-aged Helga Pataki in her very own show. Targeting an older audience than Hey, Arnold! it was deemed "too dark" for Nickelodeon, and rejected by MTV for sounding too much like their series Daria, a successful title now slated for its own upcoming spin-off.In 2013 a fanmade petition succeeded in reviving the long-canceled Hey, Arnold! The Jungle Movie. It gained 15,000 signatures, which were printed out and shipped to executives at Nickelodeon. The animated feature was greenlit for production the next year, and released in 2017—15 years after its cancellation.Now it's Helga's turn.#OperationThePatakis is here to show executives that fans want them to greenlight The Patakis too. Once our goal is met, we will print the gathered signatures and mail them out to key contacts at Paramount and Nick Animation. Series creator, Craig Bartlett, has expressed interest in working on more Hey, Arnold! content, and we're excited to see his continued vision come to life.Sign our petition and make your message to the execs loud and clear: I WANT YOU TO GREENLIGHT THE HEY, ARNOLD! SPIN-OFF SERIES, THE PATAKIS!*WHY ARE WE CAMPAIGNING FOR THE PITCHED HEY, ARNOLD! SPIN-OFF, THE PATAKIS?While many Hey Arnold fans would love a 6th season of Hey Arnold to be greenlit by Nick, or any sort of new Hey Arnold content in general, we’ve decided to bolster our odds of success by uniting behind a single objective. And, because we believe that as a concept for a new pickup, “The Patakis” has a better shot of being greenlit (plus our love for Helga Pataki) we're rallying behind The Patakis instead.This is due (but not exclusive to) a variety of reasons pertaining to The Jungle Movie's demographic response (highest among older audiences, which is in-line with The Patakis pitch) and providing a fresh new series that, while having connection to Hey Arnold, would be more beginner friendly than a season 6 to an older series. (Plus, there's a likelihood this series would shed some light on what would have happened between TJM and The Patakis, too)*WHERE WILL PRINTED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES BE MAILED?We received advice from an industry professional involved at Nick/Paramount via one of our campaign organizers that the best people to target are either Chris McCarthy who runs the adult animation wing at Paramount (because The Patakis is outside Nick’s age demographic & they’re familiar with working on revived older IPs) And on the Nick side, if we were to target/contact them as well by that point, Ramsey Naito, who is in charge of Nick Animation. (UPDATE: He seems like a no-go, zero interest reported, so unless something changes we can put #1 focus on Paramount for now and potentially save on printing/shipping)So far the campaign is leaning on Paramount instead of Nick; final decision pending (but may do both if financially feasible) Each signature/letter will be printed along with a cover letter, demographic stats, fanart and choice selections from fandom participation & interest, then physically mailed out.*HOW OPERATION: RUTHLESS WORKED FOR GREENLIGHTING HEY, ARNOLD! THE JUNGLE MOVIE:They operated approx 50/50 on their own website and a Facebook group, and met their goal in 2013 after a few years. It was mostly an online petition they pushed to get up to 15K electronic signatures to greenlight TJM, and succeeded! They were printed out and mailed to Nick’s then exec, Cyma Z. All in one huge package, totalling approx $200 including donations.The package also included charts of demographics of those who signed, mainly by country and region. Craig Bartlett regularly pushed that Nick only cared about hard letters rather than emails/social media, due to tangible proof of interest.*WHY IT'S WORTH CAMPAIGNING NO MATTER WHAT:Running this campaign will still, at the end of the day, drum up interest and participation in the Hey Arnold fandom that we know and love, while enjoying new people, ideas, and content along the way. The Patakis deserves it’s shot in the spotlight, so let’s put it in people’s minds!Wanna join our campaign? Check out our Discord link on the "Follow Us" tab!
FREE RAFFLE RUNS NOV 11th-18th!A "Submit Ticket" link will appear here once the event starts!PRIZES BELOW!
-PROMPTS-Day 1 (Nov 11)- Party / Goodbye / Mirror
Day 2 (Nov 12)- Punishment / Closet / Summer Job
Day 3 (Nov 13)- Rebel / Hope / Awkward
Day 4 (Nov 14)- Home / Pranks / Frenemies
Day 5 (Nov 15)- Puberty / Camera / Bridge
Day 6 (Nov 16)- Making Up / Jealousy / Stage
Day 7 (Nov 17)- Prom / DÉJÀ VU / Games
Day 8 (Nov 18)- Creator’s Choice!
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